Final Audio Story

Here is my final audio story. With it I attempted to answer the question “Who are you.” While I view this question as more of a introspective concept then as something that can be easily communicated  but I did my best. I did this by talking about myself and interviewing my family. I used the interviews to talk about how much my family means to me. Compiling this wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, I simply cut out my voice from the interviews and cut out as much background noise as possible.

By karabeseler

This is my VERY rough draft of my audio story. I know that I have a LOT of editing to do before its up to par. When I was interviewing my family, there was a lot of background noise that I need to get out of there, and I think that my voice is in the background in a few places. I also want to put some music in the background. I will definitely have to do much more editing before I turn in my final draft.

Draft Audio Story

By karabeseler

Raw Audio

Since I was home this weekend, I was able to interview most of my family. I don’t think I’m going to use a lot of this, maybe ten seconds or so from each, but we had a really fun time doing it. 

Kelli’s interview;

Kendra’s interview:

Mom’s interview:

Dad’s interview:

Adam’s interviews:

Rebekah’s interview:

By karabeseler

Final Logo

For my logo design, I wanted something that was simplistic but effective in conveying my topic. I also wanted something that tied into the design principles I used for my blog. As you can tell from looking at the photo I have at the top of my blog page, I really like fancy tea sets and cute teacups. Even though growing up I had never been very girly, I played with horses instead of dolls, and I preferred playing adventure to playing house, one thing I allowed myself to love was tea parties. I’ve always enjoyed getting dressed up in my best clothes, drinking tea, eating finger sandwiches, and talking to good friends. I feel that as a symbol, a teacup can convey a lot of ideas and emotions, at least for myself.

For my final draft of my logo, I made quite a few changes from my first draft. The most obvious is that I changed the view of the teacup, instead of looking down; you see it from more of a side angle. I also added some sharp edges instead of just using circles and round corners. To make the shape of the teacup, I made two rectangles, one for the base of the cup and one for the body. I rounded the corners on both and used the star tool, choosing 3 points to make a triangle; I created the angle for the teacup. For the base I adjusted the size until it fit with the body. The handle I made with the ellipse tool,  making one large circle and then another smaller one inside. I left everything else the same and simply adjusted it to fit. The final element is the inscription: KGB, for Kara Grace Beseler. Being a fan of history, I have always loved my initials, how could anyone familiar with the cold war not? I may not always be fond of my first name, of how often people misspell or mispronounce it, but I would never change my initials. I love joking about them and seeing the blank stares people give me or even better is the silly grin a fellow history nerd may pass my way.

To research a few principles of design I looked at the following websites, though my basic approach was to keep the design as simplistic as possible while still being recognizable:




By karabeseler